Leader Of The Alopix Team
- Competitive spirit
- Brilliant analyst and strategist
- Abnormally strong
- Extremely fast reflexes
- Expert of swordplay, archery and hand-to-hand combat
Psi is driven, decisive, and headstrong. Highly competitive Psi has trained to achieve physical perfection. Skilled in all areas of combat, no other warrior matches her abilities.
Once Psi puts her mind to something, it will take Hades herself to stop her.

Heart and Soul Of The Alopix Team
- Skilled cook
- Master woodcarver
- Unrivaled storyteller
- Highly skilled warrior
A truly bright spirit, Thunder has never let the cruel memories of childhood shatter his happiness. Known for his great laugh, storytelling, and amazing stews, Thunder is loved by all.
When the sun falls and moon and stars rise, Thunder can be found carving small wooden animals around the fire. He fills the night with his elaborate stories from the constellations above. Always providing a reason to smile, Thunder is the lifeblood of the team. He is kind, loving and generous, but when it comes to protecting his family, he is a mighty force to be reckoned with.

Worrywart Of The Alopix Team
- Kind
- Superstitious
- Incredible strength and resilience
- Delivers lethal damage in one blow
With his mighty warrior axe, Mino has sent more enemies to Hades than any other Alopix member. Mino is always alert to dangers in his attempt to keep everyone safe. Previously plagued by nightmares, Mino trusts in the protection of his phótizó talisman to keep his dreams from being haunted by night demons. Several rituals must be completed by Mino before marching into battle, to prevent misfortune during combat.

Protector Of The Alopix Team
- Fiercely Protective
- Intelligent
- Sassy - Wait, is that an attribute?
- Resourceful
Simply Adorable. But also fiercely loyal and resourceful. This Owl Griffin has plenty of sass. The name "Fylax" stands for protector and she does just that.


Second In Command Of The Alopix Team
- Expert spearman
- Calming demeanor
- Brilliant psychological analyst
- Proficiency with mechanical and computer systems
Tau is renowned for his wisdom, insights and perspective. With a knack for learning, he quickly acquires new skills. He is highly observant and notices more than anyone realizes. Unlike his teammates, his traumatic childhood seems to have left no emotional scars. But Tau’s calm exterior only hides unbridled rage.

Fiercest Warrior Of The Alopix Team
- Studies her enemies
- Photographic Memory
- Superb in hand-to hand combat
- Loves a good fight
Kallos’ bloodlust equals that of a Wrathic Warrior. Revered as one of the most fierce warriors on Balen, Kallos shows no mercy to her enemies. With her mind as sharp as her blade, she is quick to exploit the weaknesses of those who cross her.

Prettiest Alopix Team Member (At Least He Thinks So)
- Loyal
- Clever
- Flirtatious
- Pretty
Alex believes that everyday should be celebrated, preferably with wine. The most laid back member of the Alopix team, Alex is more interested in the celebration of life, than taking it. He will find his way out of most battles but is happy to partake in the victory party.

Commander of Aerion
- Courageous
- Strong-willed
- Powerful Telepathic Abilities
- Eidetic memory
- Brilliant analyst
- Thenian Scholar
Trained since the age of two by Henata, the most revered Thenian elder, Kentra stands alone in her mental prowess. She is a disciplined, analytical and driven scholar. Was Kentra created to be an instrument of change or a weapon of mass destruction?

Highly Perceptive
- Superiority complex
- Fearsome temperament
- Compulsive need for attention
- Physical adaptations to survive harsh environments
Hailing from a race called Rydan, Starric is proud of her bloodline. Even though the species has many worthy traits, it is their temper they are renowned for. With an innate ability to sense intentions of many species, Starric is a great judge of character. However as an overprotective friend to Kentra, Starric has been known to exaggerate her claims. But when Starric proclaims to sense darkness in Psi, is she lying or speaking the truth?

Genetically Modified Experiment
- Nimbleness of a cat
- Strength of a bear
- Pack mentality of a wolf
- Extremely loyal
Scientists gave Helix the DNA of a ferocious saber-toothed cat to make him agile, and the DNA of a bear to make him powerful. But revered overall was the wolf’s DNA that created a fiercely loyal beast. But who is he loyal to?